Buy Expired Contracts and Use them to Gain Points in Black Ops
Ok, so my friend Oneinfamous is the FOUNDER of this glitch! I simply helped him complete his idea I guess you could say.
Part 1-6: Tutorial
Part 7-8: Extra information/help understanding
Here it goes:
1. Start in Player Match with your buddy as the host of the party.
2. Look at your contracts in Player Match (No need to click anything else yet)
3. Have the host switch the lobby to combat training.
4. Now you should still be in the contract pop-up box.
5. Now you need to select whatever contract you want to buy, by clicking on that specific contract and then hovering over “buy”
6. Have the host switch the lobby back to player match and now purchase that contract (If you were in combat training hovering over a contract that you are waiting for it to renew, in Player Match, you will now be able to re-purchase that contract over and over until your heart gives out
7. Still don’t comprehend? The main idea is that you can basically keep re-purchasing the same contract over and over as many times as you want. Say you buy “get 20 kills in 1 game” You can complete your contract in a game, then come back and do this glitch to keep buying it and complete it every game you play . On the other hand you could boost with contracts like expensive contract like “get 5 headshots without dying” worth 3500COD points and do the split screen glitch & keep doing that over and over to get some seriously fast COD points.
8. Still dumfounded? Feel free to PM me, I’ll help you the best I can. Enjoy!
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