- Video Game Glitches and Easter Eggs, Mods and Hacks, and Video Game Montages

Posted in Call of Duty: Black Ops Glitches Posted March 10th, 2011 9 Comments

Get inside a Vent on the Map Array in Black Ops

Get inside a Vent on the Map Array in Black Ops

View More Call of Duty: Black Ops Glitches


9 Responses to “Array Glitches: Inside Vent”

  1. Quintez Says:

    dats is da best glitch eva and it not patched thank you

  2. kyle Says:

    gay. u get shot threw window all day.

  3. Ryan Says:

    u do get shot through the window all day…i lated 2 seconds there and watch the killcam, ur not in the vent

  4. greg Says:

    yeah this is useless… only your head is put in the vent and you can easliy be killed. But nice try! 😀

  5. drew Says:

    this doent work i dont like this gliches you suck

  6. john Says:

    what about the killcam if they watch that they’ll find where you are

  7. HenshinMijin Says:

    Hahaha! Dumb ass this is not a glitch and you are not inside of the vent. You are just standing on the computer out in the open! Try putting down a camera spike to look at yourself and you will see…

  8. Tman Says:

    Thx dude just tryed works perfectly can they see ur lefs

  9. g weave Says:

    well 2 thngs. 1 yu dnt need to jump on window seal jus jump on chair an 2 ppl he knos its jus his head wen yur good enough that spot works an hey lil priks screw killcams play hardcore nothing to worry of n it a damn good spot for search even tho ii knew of this b4 watching

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