- Video Game Glitches and Easter Eggs, Mods and Hacks, and Video Game Montages

Posted in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches Posted January 30th, 2010 20 Comments

Get stuck in the AC-130 Mode

1) Select Ac130 killstreak on the Menu Screen

2) Get a AC130

3) Go a place anywhere in the map where it says “prone blocked”.

4) Get an 11 killstreak (or 10 with hardline), Call in you AC130 and right before u enter the briefcase screen, (while holding the laptop) go prone and try crouching. You will get the “prone blocked” and instead of going into the AC130 , everything will go white and you will be in 3rd person mode with the red boxes.

This is a very hard glitch so i would suggest to practice with a friend in private match or something.

View More Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches


20 Responses to “AC 130 Glitch”

  1. SXCBOZLDY Says:

    thats so freakin awesome ive recently began playin online and have been trying to find glitches. pretty much my whole family plays online the most successful among us is probably my nephew at 7yrs old he is always tryin to look for glitches !!!!!!!!

  2. hunt1818 Says:

    that was the awesomeest thing i ever saw now this is my favrit glitch.

  3. Anom Says:

    So get an ac130, then while having the ac130 go prone and crawl into a place that says prone block? Im confused by your instructions, please reword them

  4. brad Says:

    i know how too do that add me ps3 Wigglesl2r

  5. Daniel Says:

    Ok so step 2) Get a AC130…. but why is step 4) Get an 11 killstreak (or 10 with hardline), Do i need 2???

  6. Some1 Says:

    I have tried this VARIOUS TIMES and never got it the instructions need to be better and needs a video too.

  7. Some1 Says:

    I think its patched too.

  8. benzz11 Says:

    this isnt patched. it actually happened to me today and I have a video from my cell to prove it. im not sure how I did it but i crouched at the same time i was pulling out my laptop for the ac130.

  9. Zack Says:

    I’m confused

  10. Ronni Says:

    thanks for the glitch. you are freaking nice 🙂

  11. shyam Says:

    that looks like an awsome glitch i am so badly tryin it 2nite lol r u sure it works?

    u cud easily get a tactical nuke 🙂

    ac130 boom boom bang dingdingding splat dead


  12. shyam Says:


    shud be easy to get one

  13. The Ish Says:

    hey, just sayin, i havent played cod mw2 in a while, and i havent done headshots, but i do know how to do that glitch, and its simple really. first, you need an AC130. then, you find an area where u cant either go prone or stand up or crouch out of prone(such as laying down in water or standing in a hole). once in this spot, call in the AC130. as the screen is poping up, select to stand up or go prone in the area where it says you cant. if done correctly, your screen will turn into 3rd person and your sight will become AC130-vision(or however you say it)

  14. megatron2213 Says:

    That is bad ass… Does it work on X-BOX 360?

  15. trevor Says:

    i know exactly how he did it ever since ive seen this ive been doing it and it is quite easy and cool

  16. Seth Says:

    Trevor, wanna post up a tutorial for the rest of us since this one is a bit vague?

  17. Tim G Says:

    Why dont you idiots just play the game normal without glitching? You think you are bad ass becuase you cheat to win?!?

  18. Tim G sucks. Says:

    If you think you are above all glitchers then why are you on this website?

  19. XxZombieFreakxX Says:

    add me as ur freind beacause glithe is awsome

  20. tom9751 Says:

    i dont it so stop being a fucking idiot

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