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Posted in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches Posted December 23rd, 2009 7 Comments

Retrieve Care Packages Placed on the Roof in MW2.

*Note: This glitch has been patched

This Glitch allows you to retrieve Care Packages Placed on the Roof.

Stand directly under the care package or really close.

Jump and hold X.

While on the ground (still holding X) it should begin to open the care package.

View More Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches


7 Responses to “Care Package Retrieval (Patched)”

  1. Johnny Says:

    Does not work.

  2. Saf Says:

    hmm you sure this is patched? I drop care packages from emergency airdrop all the time, some end up on the roof in rust etc, I just jump from ground and look at package, hold E when it says and I freeze in mid air untill the package is retrieved!

    Yes I realise your on about through the roof lol, but you claim the guy will drop back to floor while still retreiving, why does my guy freeze mid air then?

  3. Matt Says:

    Or you could throw a semtex at it and make it fall off, but if it’s close enough just jumping like you said works just fine.

  4. jive_chamberzzz1996 Says:

    it did work my m8 done it on xbox but it dnt work wen i try it but da new way is betr videoed nd easier 2 understand!!!

  5. hch Says:

    does it work on ps3

  6. ladiesman4217 Says:

    yes it works on the ps3 but its not patched it says its patched but its not because ive done it a load of times

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