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Posted in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches Posted February 8th, 2010 5 Comments

Use an Akimbo USP .45 class to Quickly Knife Opponents

Use an Akimbo USP .45 class to Quickly Knife Opponents

View More Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Glitches


5 Responses to “USP Akimbo Glitch”

  1. B1SCU1T123B01 Says:

    i like the ump fmj with sleight of hand pro, cold blooded and ninja pro

    i also like the m21 with blue tiger sleight of hand, cold blooded pro and ninja pro

  2. Meh Says:

    I’m pretty sure that that’s the regular knifing speed, not a glitch : It’s just a different animation because you have akimbo.

  3. Nickkk Says:

    How did he have so many custom classes?

  4. Matt Says:

    He is on his 10th prestige, giving him 10/2=5 extra class slots (you get one every other prestige).


    Actually, a player with akimbo USPs can melee even faster than they would with any handgun with a tactical knife. (Which is pretty stupid, considering the fact that if you were holding a gun in each hand, there’s no way that you could holster one of them and knife somebody as fast as you could if you already had a knife in your hand, let alone faster.)

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