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Posted in Halo: Reach Mods and Hacks Posted September 27th, 2010 No Comments

Convert the Halo Reach .XCP into Extracted ISO

Source: Se7enSins

CREDIT: XBOX360ISO for tut & every one else who make this possible.

I dont think I can make it any simpler.
1. Take your 96abdab318524620af38b985010f3391ca5b4dcf.xcp fileand rename it reach.xcp

2. Make a folder named halo on the root of c: (c:\halo)

3. Download reach tool box (http://www.mediafire…rskq5bd3cf3e0b3)

4. Unzip tool box there will be a Reach.rar, god2iso.rar and wx360.rar

5. Unzip Reach.rar and place contents in root of c:\halo

6. Now double click on C_Drive_Extractor and follow instructions

7. While this is doing its thing go find Jester and thank him and everyone else for this handy little tool.

8. When its done you should have a folder called “files” (c:\halo\files) insode it is Reach and

9. Now open your god2iso, click add and navigate to Reach (c:\halo\files\Reach). Next select output path and put in somewhere like your destop then select go.

10. While it is making your Iso make sure you thanked every one responsible again.

11. Now you should have a iso on your desktop. Open wx360, select your Reach iso, and select extract it ( you will need to make a folder called Halo Reach)

12. Once its done extracting you have a fully working game. Delete $Systemupdate folder. Now place on jtag and play.

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